This can be a very frustrating issue, and a huge negative for user experience. Opening a mobile menu clicking a menu link and watching the screen behind load but the menu remains over the content.

If you are like me you use some or all of the suggested plugins with Colibri Pro and the cache and performance plugin hummingbird was the culprit. Wait! don’t deactivate or stop using it, please read on.

Step 1: Troubleshooting

Whenever you have a plugin issue it is best to disable all plugins except the one in question.

Deactivate all plugins and turn only Colibri Pro back on.

Turn other plugins on one at a time and reload the page until the problem shows up.

// TIP: I use inspect mode in Google Chrome (Right Click Page > Inspect), then right click the refresh page arrow in the top bar, choose Empty Cache And Hard Reload. This should help ensure no other cached items are getting in the way.

Step 2: Solution

The Hummingbird cache plugin was the problem in one scenario. I looked into the settings for the plugin but not a lot of options with the free version.

I saw the Configs tab (Hummingbird>Settings>Configs) and first saved my config naming it Starter. ‘

Then I moved the mouse over Default config and click the Apply button on the right that shows up.

This did the trick, after clearing the hummingbird cache and emptying the browser cache with the hard reload option, the mobile menu started working correctly and auto closing again.

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